Calving Season!
Calving season is in full swing on the ranch. As the long, late summer days give way to early fall, our Angus heifers and cows are busy calving newborns in our fields.
Births typically start in August with our first time mamas, known as "first calf heifers," and runs through the beginning of November as our mature cows deliver their young. The pregnant females are gathered together in a designated "maternity" pasture where they freely graze and wander while awaiting the birth of their calves. To date, over 75 calves have been born!
Each morning and evening, we check the cows in the field to make sure all is well, provide assistance as needed to animals in labor, and greet our newest herd members. We love watching the newborn calves as they wobble to their feet and find their mother's full udder, eager to fill their bellies with the rich colostrum that will fortify their sensitive immune systems. It's amazing how fast they gain the strength and agility to keep up with their mothers.
Every calf receives a numbered identification ear tag that helps us identify and track vital information about each animal throughout its lifetime.
The cows and their babies are free to roam the pasture as they acclimate to life on Stemple Creek Ranch. It's fun to watch these juveniles frolicking in the grass as nature intended!